Letter to mom

3 min readJul 17, 2020

Dear mom

I am writing this letter to you to bare my soul…

The life that we have lived together & the life that we have lived apart

There is so much to say

so much to share

I can keep writing forever & there won’t be enough words to say all that I want to say…

You are my first and deepest love in this material world

Your eyes are pools of love

They hide so much inside

When I look at them, I see myself

Other times, I look at them and I see a little girl who just wants to play

There are times when your eyes show me a world inside your soul that no one could explore

All the experiences and pain and drama that these eyes have witnessed

Your eyes are a true treasure and I love planting kisses on them when you sleep

I look at your closed eyes sometimes when you are sleeping

And I cannot imagine a world without them

How come your arms and legs are hairless

It makes me jealous

Even the hair on your lashes are thin and make your eyes look small and child-like

I have seen you with beautiful black hair tied in a bun behind your head

I remember when you stopped making the bun and started clipping your hair instead

I think it made you look different

A bit younger, more like a girl

I have seen them turning from black to brown

From brown to grey

The changes in the color of your hair is like seasons in my life

Your strong large hands have caressed me on my head, on my face, on my hands

With your hands you have massaged me to relieve me of the childbirth pain that my body endured

I have touched your palms and felt the hard work they have done

For years and years they cooked, cleaned ad touched the faces of its children

Those hands embraced me with love even when you thought I was wrong

I remember you as a young mother and wife

Running around my father

Trying to make him happy

With a load of raising 5 children, and no one to help and support

It changed you into a menacing figure who just wanted to get rid of the pesky little rats one by one

I don’t blame you, don’t worry

At least you kept us alive, it takes a lot of courage too

I couldn’t understand how tired you must be

How much you needed the rest and care

I pray for a beautiful world on the other side when you cross the bridge

Round and round, you keep moving

Never resting, always on your toes

Work is endless and so is the free time

And yet there is emptiness and longing

I remember a time when you used to ride a bike

And I would be so proud

My independent mommy

Taking care of all the chores outside the house too

But you grew old and those legs finally gave up

Couldn’t carry the weight anymore

But you are a fighter, you didn’t give up

You got a new pair

You suffered through excruciating pain and came out as a winner

Once again, she went round and round, around the house

And there was balance in the world…




Living in contradictions, floating between the black and white, playing with words, exploring myself and the world around me...