Flaws I was born into…

Feb 14, 2022


I’m just a person, so ordinary

I’ve made mistakes & I’ve made wrong choices

I’ve been a culprit, I’ve hurt other people…

But I’m not a villain…

I’m just an ordinary human

with flaws I was born with, flaws I was born into,

and flaws I collected and cultivated…

I’ve been the victim

I’ve been hurt by others

I’ve been pushed around & dominated

I’ve suffered at the hands of others…

they were also just people, ordinary people

with flaws they were born with, born into and the ones they cultivated…

We’re all different & yet we’re all the same,

We want different things from life yet we’re driven by similar desires & insecurities…

Next time when you look at a hero or a villain

just remember, they’re ordinary people with flaws just like yours…




I love meaningful conversations over a cup of coffee. I write to share my experiences and thoughts. Living life for a few laughs, good food and love.